December 2019
rain remix / free-associated, networked subjective shot
This one is a bit of a trip, but I'm quite pleased with it. It was the final project for Johanna Gosse's New Media, and it's visible to me that this captured the daily sense of conceptual bursting-open that the course left me with. It's a remix of a large number of rain-related YouTube videos. The title comes from a piece of Japanese architecture, commonly known in the west as a “rain chain". I apply this as an organizing theme, to speak to the ways that we move through information online. It's about overwhelm, the subjective shot, immersion, affective force, “The Global Village", fetishizing Japanese aesthetics, flow, filtration, free-associative subjectivity, framing, invisible architectures, and simultaneity.
Here is a pdf of the statement I wrote with it. Not only does it densely extrapolate the video, but it goes through and cites every video source I used, if that's something you're into.
Here's the link if the embedded one above doesn't work. Hosted on my YouTube channel.